“社会的需要应该决定学校的工作. 社会的最高需要是理想的公民身份. Ideal citizenship demands for the individual the highest degree of knowledge, 技能, 电源和服务.”

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you will make.

Parker’s passion for education emanates from our desire to know all students and guide them in their learning and development so they can become authentic, 有效的, responsible and empathic citizens and leaders in our democracy and the wider world. 在澳门新葡京博彩, we affirm the dignity of each person and inspire all to learn and grow to make a difference in the world.

坚持这一使命, our teachers are attuned to how each student learns so that each can grow in character, 才气和自信一样渊博, 熟练和创造性的问题解决者. By knowing who our students are—and with an emerging sense of who they aspire to be—and by mentoring them through their development, our teachers curate a culture w在这里 curiosity and respect for oneself and others drive inquiry and joy, 韧性和乐观塑造了学生的经历.

从最早的时代开始, 澳门新葡京博彩的学生与他人一起学习,获得现实世界, 公开演讲的实际经验, 找到自己的声音, 学习如何倾听他人, reflecting on what they are learning and working collaboratively in groups, 所有这些技能都将为他们的一生服务.

Our engaging progressive approach to teaching and learning provides all students with the quantitative, 解释, analytic and artistic experiences that allow them to acquire the 技能s that will help them develop their own interests and apply what they are learning in ways that benefit the broader community of which they are a valued part.

一个多世纪以前, 上校澳门新葡京博彩, 我们学校的创始人, 说, “社会的需要应该决定学校的工作.” These words remain true today and will continue to be relevant as we move further into the 21st century. 尽管未来的某些方面总是未知的, at Parker we are confident that our democracy will continue to need citizens and leaders who have the intellectual, 独立思考的社交和情感倾向, 倾听别人的观点, 以事实为根据, maintain patience in the face of complexity and ambiguity and act on their convictions to provide insight, 理解和移情, courageous leadership in addressing the pressing challenges of our times.

我们的民主是多元的, and because excellent problem solving results from including a diversity of perspectives, a Parker education is grounded in our commitment to compose the school with people who have different backgrounds, 文化, 故事, beliefs and identities and in our strategies to provide equitable access for all students to the richness of our educational opportunities. It is essential that all students feel included in their classroom learning and develop a genuine sense of belonging to their school community.

I encourage you to explore Parker to see all that it has to offer your child and you. We have a deep history but we also have an even more dynamic future because of the people who comprise this educational community now and will in the years to come.


丹iel B. 弗兰克,74年,博士.D.

我们知道学校应该是什么样的. 学校应该充满生机. 澳门新葡京博彩充满生机.

A school should pulsate with the energies of fully dedicated adults and students who trust in one another and in the humanitarian ideals that inspired the school’s founding.

在澳门新葡京博彩,我们同时追求亲密和宽广. Our students find confidence through our approach to developing 技能s, 精雕细琢,深耕细作, 深情的,有时令人惊讶的谈话. Our desire to nurture growth through learning in a diverse community enlivens connections among students, 老师和家长, 还有校友. Our spirit drives us to broaden our understanding through relationships with people, 思想与历史. This is how we know ourselves and fully engage as citizens and leaders in society and the world. 这就是我们如何建立有意义的生活.
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澳门新葡京博彩教育学生用同理心思考和行动, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.